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Diploma in Islamic Studies (DIIS)


The Al-Zuhri Institute of Higher Learning offers the Diploma in Islamic Studies (DIIS) as a part-time, four-year program. This diploma covers a wide range of Islamic disciplines, including Quranic studies, Hadith, and Shariah. Additionally, the program includes modules that address contemporary applications of Islamic knowledge, such as Islamic Worldview, Islamic Civilization, Islamic Education, and Islamic Science.

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  • Minimum age: 17 years

  • Completed Certificate in Basic Islamic Studies (CBIS), Al-Zuhri

  • Completed Islam in English (IIE) secondary-level program, Andalus and Cordova

  • Completed formal secondary-level Islamic education from recognized institutions such as madrasahs, Islamic associations, or private agencies.

  • Email certificates and recent transcripts to for eligibility advice.


Semester 1

  • Term 1

    • Study Weeks (January-March): 13 weeks

    • Exam Weeks (March): 2 weeks

    • Break (April): 1 week

  • Term 2

    • Study Weeks (April-June): 13 weeks

    • Exam Weeks (June): 2 weeks

    • Break (June): 1 week


Semester 2

  • Term 3

    • Study Weeks (July-September): 13 weeks

    • Exam Weeks (September): 2 weeks

    • Break (September): 1 week

  • Term 4

    • Study Weeks (October-December): 13 weeks

    • Exam Weeks (December): 2 weeks

    • Break (December): 1 week


Class schedules can be accessed by clicking the "Register Online" button at the end of this page.


Study Components

  • Physical classroom sessions and/or virtual sessions via Zoom.

  • Four symposium sessions per year.


Learning Activities

  • Assignments

  • Presentations

  • Discussions

  • Quizzes

  • Webinars

  • Case Studies

Diploma Compulsory Subjects


Islamic Faith and Theology

  1. WD1013 - Islamic Creed I, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  2. WD1023 - Islamic Creed II, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Quranic Studies

  1. WD2013 - Principles of Tafsir, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  2. WD2023 - Quranic Exegesis I, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  3. WD2033 - Quranic Exegesis II, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Hadith Studies

  1. WD3013 - Hadith Studies, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Islamic Jurisprudence

  1. WD4013 - Principles of Jurisprudence, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  2. WD4023 - Islamic Legal Maxims, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  3. WD4033 - History of Islamic Legislation, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  4. WD4043 - Islamic Commercial Law, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  5. WD4053 - Family and Criminal Jurisprudence, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  6. WD4063 - Objectives of Shariah, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Arabic Language

  1. WD5013 - Arabic Language I, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  2. WD5023 - Arabic Language II, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  3. WD5033 - Arabic Language III, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Islamic Worldview and History

  1. WD6013 - Islamic Worldview I, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  2. WD7013 - History & Civilization of Islam I, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  3. WD7023 - History & Civilization of Islam II, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Islamic Education

  1. WD8013 - History of Islamic Education I, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  2. WD8023 - History of Islamic Education II, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Islamic Thought

  1. WD9013 - Islamic Thought in Singapore I, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Research Skills

  1. WD1113 - Research Methodology, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

Elective Subjects

Advanced Islamic Studies

  1. EL4073 - Islamic Asset Management (Faraid), 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  2. EL6023 - Islamic Worldview II, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  3. EL8023 - History of Islamic Education III, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  4. EL9023 - Islamic Thought in Singapore II, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Interdisciplinary Studies

  1. EL1313 - Islamic Science, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  2. EL1413 - National Education & Cross-Cultural Studies, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  3. EL1813 - IT in Islam, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  4. EL1823 - Mathematics in Islam, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Psychology and Counseling

  1. EL1513 - Basics of Psychology & Counseling I, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  2. EL1523 - Basics of Psychology & Counseling II, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Da’wah and Leadership

  1. EL1613 - Principles of Da’wah I, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  2. EL1623 - Leadership in Islam, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Islamic Economics

  1. EL1713 - Islamic Economics (Waqf), 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


Education and Pedagogy

  1. EL1913 - Basics of Pedagogy Training I, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours

  2. EL1923 - Basics of Pedagogy Training II, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours



  1. EL1633 - Purification of the Soul, 15 contact hours, 3 credit hours


The Al-Zuhri Diploma in Islamic Studies will be awarded based on the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) achieved upon completion of the program.


Graduates of the DIIS program can continue their education in part-time programs such as the Bachelor of Islamic Studies or the Advanced Diploma in Islamic Studies at Al-Zuhri Institute or Andalus.


Registration fee: $62

Monthly fee: $89.80

The fee does not cover the purchase of learning materials and annual LMS fee

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